Fundscrip is Back!
The initial launch of the Greenbank Church gift card program was a success. Thank you for your support. We are again taking orders. This time, any funds from cards purchased by Seagrave supporters will be given to the Seagrave church. Simply write “Seagrave” on the top of your order form. The funds from all other orders will go to the Greenbank Church. See Debbie Watson for your order form on Sunday at Greenbank church, or you can contact Debbie, Doug Watson or Patrick Dwyer to obtain an order form. You can return the order form to Debbie, Doug or Patrick. At Seagrave church contact Tara Taylor or Brad Sinclair for an order form. Seagrave order forms can be returned to Tara or Brad. As well, the order form can be found on the church websites ... Click here for online form. Orders must be submitted before noon on Sunday, March 2 with gift cards being available the following weekend. Please take extra order forms and share them with your family, friends, co-workers. With every order we process a % of the value will come back to the churches. Payment can be made by cheque (payable to Greenbank United Church), cash or e-transfer ([email protected]). |